The changelog shows all changes made between Struct PIM v.3 releases. Breaking changes between minor versions are documented here as well.
The changelog is currently not up to date because of technical issues. We are working on a solution.
v. 3.15.15
- Business rules: Show avg execution time on list to find expensive/bad rules. (Issue id: 2765)
- Hide publication background task initiated from API (Issue id: 3089)
- Enable switch segment when setting default value for attribute (Issue id: 3154)
- Allow select segmented value of fixed list attribute in business rules value changed (Issue id: 3155)
- Increase number of fields supported in name pattern (Issue id: 3160)
v. 3.15.12
- Tasks: Add created by column to table/list view (Issue id: 3121)
- Error fetching thumbnails for translation tasks if no thumbnails available (Issue id: 3126)
- Import report cleaner timeout (Issue id: 3107)
- Searching on invalid field uid in API may return all items as result (Issue id: 3119)
- Deleting large amounts of products at a time results in a timeout (Issue id: 3109)
- MediaUrlExportFieldDescriptor throw dictionary exception (Issue id: 3111)
- Decimal with many digits, gets cut off because of 'decimal'-directory (Issue id: 3117)
- Using @Raw can cause RazorTemplate validation to fail in Publication (Issue id: 3125)
- Import button text is not rendering properly (Issue id: 3114)
- Setting Dynamic category as primary can result in error (Issue id: 3115)
v. 3.15.10
- Delete invalid entity enrichment insights when rebuilding (Issue id: 3088)
- Null reference on reference attribute (Issue id: 3097)
- Deleting a category can result in products not having a primary category (Issue id: 2763)
- Changing an attribute in model setup do not reset default value (Issue id: 3071)
v. 3.15.8
- Allow custom Ids for import of media reference when using DAM extension (Issue id: 3078)
- Remove requirement for upload folder for data supplier when using DAM extensions (Issue id: 3076)
- Show a more informative error message when importing duplicate category paths (Issue id: 3074)
- Invalid cache key for pim setup (Issue id: 3066)
- Enable preview of image reference in import if using DAM extension (Issue id: 3080)
- Invalidating cache can fail depending on storage account setup in Publications (Issue id: 3079)
- Business rule manual run does not apply filter on timer-triggers (Issue id: 3072)
- Migrating a template in Publications can fail if no name set (Issue id: 3075)
- Attribute scopes can be null on attributes (Issue id: 3065)
- Business rule depending on localized attributes can skip changes too early (Issue id: 3064)
- Search filter is reset, after updating sequentially, and returning to Search (Issue id: 3068)
- Import Issue: Key Field Mismatch Leading to Row Recognition Failure and Internal Key Conflicts (Issue id: 3067)
v. 3.15.3
- Adjust header and footer elements initial setup in Publications (Issue id: 3016)
v. 3.15.2
- Adjust Publication new elements and tables migration (Issue id: 3014)
- Invalid initialization of Publications if not added to config (Issue id: 3015)
v. 3.15.1
- Support copy variants to more products (Issue id: 1880)
- Deleting workflow needs to check if any businessrules are refering it (Issue id: 2994)
- EntityWorkflowStates referencing a deleted workflow (Issue id: 2997)
- Possible to add same image twice in media attribute (Issue id: 2992)
- Business rule write to attribute can fail if attribute value do not exist (Issue id: 3011)
- Possible to add "empty" column in global list resulting in invalid load (Issue id: 3010)
- URL field can be null when exporting (Issue id: 3009)
- Deleting dynamic category do not clear reference to any attribute used in query (Issue id: 3006)
- Duplicate path in catalogues can result in import error for primary category (Issue id: 3004)
- Import fails with invalid key if user do not have permission to edit key (Issue id: 3007)
- ReferenceDataInput resulting in ReferenceError (Issue id: 3005)
v. 3.14.20
- Key fields are not visible in "review changes" in the importer (Issue id: 2947)
- API endpoint to get variants inheriting specific attribute values (Issue id: 2899)
- Date time formats sometimes accepted but ignored (Issue id: 2950)
- Clearing cache across domains, can cause circular reference (Issue id: 2949)
- Enrichment insights on variant updates, does not calculate when moving variants (Issue id: 2944)
- Using ResetAttributeValue business rule action in combination with performance cache can cause error when executing action (Issue id: 2943)
v. 3.14.19
- Performance cached shared lock can cause stability problems (Issue id: 2941)
- Businessrules executing itself can run into cache problems (Issue id: 2939)
- AI assistant: Multiple attribute elements paths on same root attribute throws error when loading (Issue id: 2938)
- Business rule preload may not load correctly (Issue id: 2937)
- Clearing value for DateTimePicker results in "Invalid date" (Issue id: 2935)
- Import dates through global list ignored (Issue id: 2933)
- Cancel permission group create not working (Issue id: 2932)
- Wrong text in permission management (Issue id: 2931)
- Description for moving variants seems incorrect (Issue id: 2930)
v. 3.14.14
- Support using GPT-4 Turbo in AI assistant (Issue id: 2880)
- Improve handling of OpenAI rate limit errors (Issue id: 2881)
- Support using finetuned models from OpenAI in AI assistant (Issue id: 2653)
- Add catalogue selection to category webhooks (Issue id: 2874)
- Bulk updating reference attribute values limited to variation definitions throws js error (Issue id: 2870)
- API client library: Error message will in same cases not be included in exceptions (Issue id: 2879)
- Export - cannot download file (Issue id: 2858)
- Error in the counter for selected lines in import. (Issue id: 2877)
- IsEmpty / IsNotEmpty not matching correctly on global list attributes in dynamic categories (Issue id: 2875)
- CopyProductBackgroundTask variant groups could be copied twice (Issue id: 2872)
- Enrichment calculation does not get correct primary group map (Issue id: 2871)
v. 3.14.9
v. 3.14.3
- Add config transformation for Image Change module (Issue id: 2716)
- Allow sorting products in categories by export/import to and from Excel (Issue id: 2501)
- Tell user which business rule fails, if a Business rule fails unexpectedly and log include name of Business Rule in error log (Issue id: 2726)
- Add collections/batch/entities endpoint (Issue id: 2718)
- Business rules - list view is slow when containing more than 100 business rules (Issue id: 2721)
- Calculation business rules fails if result is decimal, which is set on an integer field (Issue id: 2728)
- Business rules - It is possible to create a Copy action which copies decimal fields to int fields, which causes the rule to fail when running (Issue id: 2670)
- Deleting a segment used in a business rule causes business rule to fail (Issue id: 2715)
- Business rules timer trigger wrong fields for some entity types (Issue id: 2724)
- Checking for usertasks updates with no attached files can yield error (Issue id: 2717)
- Migration for adding files to usertasks has not been run (Issue id: 2714)
- Migrate existing ExportTransformations to new structure (Issue id: 2713)
- Missing types in Liquid/Xml rendering in Publications (Issue id: 2722)
- Increase timeout for very large documents in Publications html rendering (Issue id: 2712)
v. 3.14.2
- Minimize html for Publications (Issue id: 2710)
- Upgrae to Struct PDF v. 1.2.0 (Issue id: 2709)
- Error accessing filemappings (Issue id: 2708)
v. 3.14.1
- Excel import - global list values, approve all does nothing (Issue id: 2707)
- Business rules - edit filter not possible (Issue id: 2704)
- Changelog with transactions shows current value as "After" value in every transaction (Issue id: 2675)
- Saved searches can throw error when other type than 'SearchResultWidget' (Issue id: 2705)
v. 3.14.0
Transformations are split in import transformations and export transformations. This breaking change is only relevant for extensions that use the internal workings of the Export engine. It has no effect on API usage.
- Add new property type, which shows links to the entity from other entities (ie. where is this product referenced) (Issue id: 2636)
- Business rules Scheduling / clock-based triggers (Issue id: 2335)
- Add backoffice name and description for attribute groups (Issue id: 2415)
- Init changelog with compression enabled (Issue id: 2561)
- Add support for parallel index rebuild (Issue id: 2586)
- Support exporting url of media attributes in list attribute exports (Issue id: 2436)
- Business rules ExecuteSubRuleAction remove entity from description (Issue id: 2703)
- Add support for better API request throttling (Issue id: 2136)
- Add support for quality param in Publications media url (Issue id: 2702)
- Optimize region memory usage in Publications (Issue id: 2699)
- It should not be possible to delete/modify attributes used on dynamic categories (Issue id: 2656)
- Support transformations when importing data using Excel (split by character, trim, map splitted fields, multiply, divide, plus, minus, uppercase, lowercase, replace) (BC) (Issue id: 2506)
- Select which directions a filemapping is for (import, export or both) (Issue id: 2507)
- Support importing users to a supplier / support importing suppliers (Issue id: 2505)
- Browsers will block fileimport report results when they get to a certain size (Issue id: 2283)
- Add more info to the Saved Searches table view (Issue id: 2520)
- Add button to select all fields, when exporting values to Excel (Issue id: 2650)
- Add selected settings available as part of data for Publications (Issue id: 2630)
- Add detailed information for variation definition available in Publication (Issue id: 2631)
- Make attribute references available in Publications (Issue id: 2632)
- Add internal pim names to items in Publications (Issue id: 2558)
- It is possible to delete sub attributes in global lists, which are used in business rules (Issue id: 2655)
- Sorting PIM picker optimizations (Issue id: 2664)
- Images in PIM does not change url when updated (Issue id: 1714)
v. 3.13.10
- Showing large import report can cause browser to block completely (Issue id: 2607)
- Product import: saving a file mapping and saving again afterwards, should prompt the user to update existing file mapping instead of creating a new (Issue id: 2574)
- Loading a file mapping should clear field targets for fields not in mapping (Issue id: 2573)
- Search help article updated with examples for numeric attributes (Issue id: 2579)
- SVG files cannot render as thumbnail in media picker (Issue id: 2592)
- Some Business rule condition does not correctly check if any items should be preloaded (Issue id: 2602)
- Umbraco media model can have unexpected format, causing deserialization to fail when getting asset source (Issue id: 2603)
v. 3.13.5
- Updated dependencies to Microsoft packages can cause problems in loading of dynamic types (Issue id: 2556)
v. 3.13.4
- Enable custom rendering engine i PDF component for Publications (Issue id: 2551)
- Business Rules: Action that can move a product from one workflow state to another (Issue id: 2530)
- Concurrency issue with InternalNote bulkupdate descriptor (Issue id: 2549)
- Attribute Import fails if more than 124 attributes are updated in a single import (Issue id: 2542)
- Numbers are compared as strings in import (Issue id: 2413)
- Get{ItemType}MissingValues does not include dataFieldSearch (Issue id: 2553)
- When reading decimal values in list import, we need to check for default culture (Issue id: 2554)
- Null reference exception when rendering list values (Issue id: 2548)
v. 3.13.0
- Add native workflow management (Issue id: 1337)
- Support exporting to XML and JSON (Issue id: 2088)
- New system tab or attribute that allows for showing data from an external URL (Issue id: 2346)
- Default columns for all new users (Issue id: 2375)
- Enable custom actions for Variant Groups in pim search (Issue id: 2382)
- Update thumbnail and internal name, when updating entities in backoffice (Issue id: 2514)
- Add native support for sending events to AzureServiceBus (Issue id: 1846)
- Improve GetChangelog() performance (Issue id: 2420)
- Add dashboard widget to show open import requests from data suppliers (Issue id: 2255)
- Add support for setting responsible on data suppliers (Issue id: 2257)
- Add backend support for sending variants to approval from supplier portal (Issue id: 2258)
- Update data supplier entity import request approval UI in PIM (Issue id: 2259)
- Save report with result of a processed data supplier import request (Issue id: 2260)
- Add import request dashboard per supplier on message board (Issue id: 2261)
- Update UI of Data supplier message thread (Issue id: 2262)
- Add support for triggering a business rule manually for all entities (Often desired when creating a new business rule) (Issue id: 2430)
- Improve SearchChangelog() performance (Issue id: 2495)
- Aggregate variant data businessrule action (Issue id: 2166)
- Add Uid to AttributeGroup (Issue id: 2479)
- Optimize background task cleaner (Issue id: 2351)
- Configuring webhooks through the API (Issue id: 2356)
- Add setup of authentication headers to webhooks (Issue id: 2394)
- Enable custom headers for webhook requests (Issue id: 2249)
- Able to manage user and groups via API (Issue id: 2312)
- Add basic authentication to DAM extension (Issue id: 2352)
- Add business rule action - Reset attribute value (Issue id: 2453)
- Add parent attribute as PIM view only attribute (Issue id: 2347)
- Add API endpoints to trigger index rebuilds (Issue id: 2337)
- Support selecting sub attributes when displaying list attribute as a table (Issue id: 2383)
- Publications - add support for variant group (Issue id: 2353)
- Missing specification attributes to add in datasupplier attribute templates (Issue id: 2517)
- Import from Excel adds unnecessary <p> tags on line breaks (Issue id: 2515)
- Using underscore in globallist attribute aliases can cause issues in dynamic group builder (Issue id: 2500)
- Searching in new supplierportal does not follow PIM search setup 1:1 (Issue id: 2511)
- SetClassifications batch endpoint missing CategoryIdsSorted (Issue id: 2502)
- Transactions search returns Total item count as Total pages (Issue id: 2503)
- Select dropdown is sometimes hidden behind footer (Issue id: 2131)
- Fix cross index missing update for variant attributes on variant group when variant is moved within a product to a new variant group (Issue id: 2499)
- API Categories missing VariantGroupQuery data (Issue id: 2361)
- Anchor not working with insert pages in Publications (Issue id: 2367)
v. 3.12.8
- Add OnCompleted event to PIMTransaction (Issue id: 2406)
- CategoryReference - Allow selecting categories from all catalogues (Issue id: 2408)
- Update "VariantIndex_UpdateWhenProductIsUpdated" in system queue to batch variants (Issue id: 2391)
- Revisionlog - When clicking "Load more", do not jump to top of revisionlog (Issue id: 2388)
- Creation of Enrichment Insights fail if name and label not filled out (Issue id: 2395)
- Error when trying to import Global List when not using Elasticsearch (Issue id: 2398)
- Fix description details for reference attributes (Issue id: 2407)
- FixedListAttribute is not shown as locked when found through a product structure (Issue id: 2369)
- ToC not working for Liquid engine in Publications (Issue id: 2393)
v. 3.12.4
- Separate global list edit permission into create, edit/update, delete (Issue id: 2292)
- Translate Data is visible in "Actions" even though the module is not active on the license (Issue id: 2348)
- When there is no licens umbraco boot fails (Issue id: 2350)
- Importing values to variants which are inheriting their current value does not map imported values correctly (Issue id: 2345)
v. 3.12.3
- API client support for dimension endpoints (Issue id: 2336)
- API Add methods to get attribute uids from attribute scope uids. (Issue id: 2332)
- async POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT methods wrongly executes GET action as well, when using client .NET library (Issue id: 2341)
- async POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT methods do not expose actual error from PIM in client .NET library, when an Exception occurs (Issue id: 2340)
- Removing a product from a catalogue, isn't indexed to variantindex (Issue id: 2342)
- Fix typo in revisions log (Issue id: 2339)
- Business rules - boolean attibute condition, empty/null values (Issue id: 2331)
v. 3.12.2
- Business Rules: More criteria options for attributes on conditions (Issue id: 2323)
- Business Rules: Possible to use Internal ID as a condition (Issue id: 2325)
- Add support for managing dimensions through API (Issue id: 2320)
- Add working indicator on button clicks (Issue id: 2327)
- Add default columns to List attribute table views (Issue id: 2304)
- Support copy variants to another product (Issue id: 2314)
- AI Translate data - compare with current (Issue id: 2315)
- Support run copy variants in backgroundtask (Issue id: 2313)
- Global list chosen columns are reset on refresh (Issue id: 2297)
- Support custom icon on custom search actions (Issue id: 2310)
- Global lists of type attribute reference throw error (Issue id: 2318)
- Dynamic category created with product query does not index variant groupings right after creation (Issue id: 2329)
- It is possible to create dublicate enrichment insight setups for the same product structure and/or category (Issue id: 2330)
- Trying to bulk update a list attribute with table-view enabled throws error (Issue id: 2319)
- Language and segment is placed over eachother in a segmented list attribute with localized subattribute (Issue id: 2328)
- Business rule interface results in error if condition is compare to complex attribute (Issue id: 2275)
- When making any change to a product structure everything is reindexed with no paging (Issue id: 2308)
- Business Rules: Attribute names does not follow naming convention (Issue id: 2324)
- Cannot save AI generated texts if some are neither approved nor declined (Issue id: 2326)
- MediaApiController GetAssests - ensure unique ids (Issue id: 2317)
- Legacy scope available in Publication (Issue id: 2316)
- Inconsistent ToC paging in large multipage publications (Issue id: 2268)
v. 3.12.1
- Variant search renders time component on date attributes even though it is only a date field (Issue id: 2305)
- Auto translate hangs when trying to auto translate all fields on a product using AI assistant (Issue id: 2302)
- Input for internal notes always marks form as dirty causing "Discard changes" dialog to appear when leaving entity (Issue id: 2303)
- Copying of product catalog fails if catalog has one or more identifiers defined (Issue id: 2289)
- Translations missing from changelog header (Issue id: 2301)
- PIM cannot start if list of enabled features is null (Issue id: 2300)
v. 3.12.0
- Introduce AI assistant to help with text generation and translation (Issue id: 2299)
- Add support for quick log notes on entities in PIM (Issue id: 1876)
- Add Changelog compression support (Issue id: 2111)
- Add support for copying a product from search actions (Issue id: 2146)
- Sort attributes as set on primary category in Publications data (Issue id: 2286)
- Hide css in indesign templating in Publications (Issue id: 2105)
- Add business rule action to change products structure (Issue id: 2252)
- Delete media folder does not warn if medias are referenced (Issue id: 2130)
- Introduce changelog browser (Issue id: 2096)
- Add support for building large exports in background task (Issue id: 1904)
- Make ToC references available in ToC header/footer (Issue id: 2281)
- Variant reference attribute should allow restricting to selected variation definitions (Issue id: 2134)
- Filemapping transformation - Apply RegEx on output (Issue id: 2098)
- Remember catalogue selected for preview in Publications (Issue id: 2092)
v. 3.11.7
- Easy way to identify unused global list values (Issue id: 2178)
- Optimize performance of requesting attribute values from back in time (Issue id: 1816)
- StructPIMComponent - set RunBackgroundTasks through app settings (Issue id: 1778)
- Import with many columns is hard on the DOM (Issue id: 2220)
- Add option to run copy product in a backgroundtask (Issue id: 2219)
- Add support for legacy PIM v2 column headers (Issue id: 2208)
- Support exporting variation definitions for variants (Issue id: 1965)
- Invalid product structures can be created through the API. (Issue id: 1946)
- Archive product always archive variants and variant groups from ProductAPIController (Issue id: 2236)
- Business Rules rounds down instead of up (Issue id: 2226)
- Not able to cancel copy wizard (Issue id: 2221)
- API variants/batch/attributevalues 500 when id doesn't exist (Issue id: 2223)
- Danish language on Umbraco user changes how numbers are shown in inputs resulting in invalid data (Issue id: 2202)
- Global list variant group reference does not count as PIM reference in front end (Issue id: 2218)
- Not able to delete copy wizard from product structure (Issue id: 2222)
- Bad status for system task at application shutdown (Issue id: 2225)
- Multiple async subrule triggers causing null values (Issue id: 2232)
v. 3.11.6
- Add VariantGroups to T4 template (Issue id: 2213)
- Add optional identifier to datasupplier (Issue id: 2215)
- Rebuilding variant group identifiers clears both product and variant identifiers (Issue id: 2217)
- DeleteGlobalListValues does not check for GetReferencingVariantGroups before delete (Issue id: 2216)
- Automatically set filemapping on field in import (Issue id: 2214)
v. 3.11.4
- Enable variant groups on existing product structure should create variant group elastic index automatically (Issue id: 2182)
- Allow setting variantgroup sortorder through api when updating variant (Issue id: 2183)
- Switch around the order of "Create task" action in search (Issue id: 2190)
- Unnecessary click on "close" in restore inheritance dialog after restoring inheritance (Issue id: 2164)
- Add support for extended Elastic settings for cluster setup (Issue id: 2180)
- Support Paged search in PIM Api (Issue id: 2173)
- PIM search column header padding (Issue id: 2176)
- Filemapping transformation - text length (Issue id: 2097)
- Allow selection of elements on current page in search in PIM (Issue id: 1468)
- Business rule with trigger on enrichment insights is triggered upon rebuilding index and failing (Issue id: 2189)
- Boolean values are empty in search untill explicitly set to true and then back to false (Issue id: 2192)
- PIM initialization fails if Elastic cluster is not ready upon startup (Issue id: 2163)
- variant groups is not indexed on parent categories (Issue id: 2175)
- Create variant groups is only available from catalogue tree (Issue id: 2181)
- Search in PIM uses old header value in input field when adding a new column (Issue id: 2187)
- Reduce clicks on Merge products (Issue id: 2165)
- Sort order on products in categories is nulled (Issue id: 2174)
- Updating variant value queries for variantgroups even if variantgroups is not enabled (Issue id: 2172)
v. 3.11.2
- Enable Contains/NotContains operator for global list attributes and categories in dynamic group setup (Issue id: 2159)
- Support selecting subelements of attributes to trigger business rules on (Issue id: 2158)
- Possible to search for Category Path on variant level (Issue id: 2045)
- Trigger sub rule - add subcategories and descendant categories as 'entities to execute for' (Issue id: 2144)
- Quick export selected items (Issue id: 2151)
- Merging product to an existing product which has variants, disregards achieved variants. (Issue id: 2114)
- Revision log is empty on variants, when inheritance is restored and restored value equals the overridden value (Issue id: 1888)
- Update attribute value business rule action fails when updating only a sub attribute of a complex attribute (Issue id: 2157)
- Sort order of complex attributes are not saved (Issue id: 2155)
- Bulk update global list attribute - replace option error (Issue id: 2154)
- Settings node is visible in some cases when it should not be (Issue id: 2089)
- Disallow classifying products in Product classification tab if insufficient permissions (Issue id: 2090)
- Error loading product preview when creating new dynamic category (Issue id: 2153)
- Business rules action - Updating boolean value throws exception (Issue id: 2145)
- No actions available for businessrule VariantRuleAction trigger (Issue id: 2143)
- Media-picker and relation-picker directive add button is sortable (Issue id: 2142)
- Reserved tags not enabled in ToC in Publications (Issue id: 2148)
v. 3.11.0
Internal signatures of GetDataElementValue have changed. Be aware for custom extensions. Has no influence on cloud deployments
Signature for MultiPage publications changed in Api Client. Now ItemType, PageSize and CustomValues is allowed as parameters
- Add support for multiple attribute scopes per attribute (Issue id: 1907)
- Business rule engine (Issue id: 1849)
- Support fetching webhooks and webhook reqeusts from API (Issue id: 2129)
- Dynamic groups (Issue id: 1850)
- Change category sort direction for products in sub categories (Issue id: 2127)
- Introduce variant groupings (Issue id: 1827)
- Extend data input for Indesign in Publications (Issue id: 2102)
- Add support for task assignment to users and user groups (Issue id: 2003)
- Add Create, read, update, delete interface for permissions + permission groups (Issue id: 2025)
- Add support for quick export in search view (Issue id: 1382)
- Support bulk update on global lists (Issue id: 898)
- Support advanced import of global lists like (like import of products and variants) (Issue id: 899)
- Optimize enrichment insights DB access (Issue id: 1892)
- Sorting guides missing for sorting columns on the search list (Issue id: 2008)
- Add support for fallback languages and segments in Excel exports (BC) (Issue id: 1950)
- Allow config definition of amount of background threads in bootstrap options (Issue id: 2125)
- Improve performance of "Columns" view in search in PIM (Issue id: 2116)
- Add new global list permissions for creation and deletion of values (Issue id: 2103)
- Optimize performance of SystemQueue execution (Issue id: 2124)
- Add support for setting default language and dimensions for new users (Issue id: 2031)
- Support conditional webhook triggering on subelements of attributes (ie. specific segments or langauges) (Issue id: 2071)
- Remember last used product or variant in Search for products (Issue id: 1296)
- Add specific permissions for different bulk actions in list attributes (override, replace, add/update) (Issue id: 1945)
- When importing medias it should be possible to choose media folder, pr. import (Issue id: 1596)
- Enrichment insights on technical specifications aren't inherited from categories (Issue id: 2015)
- Webhooks - retry logic (Issue id: 1799)
- Global list permission view/edit should be split up into separate permissions (Issue id: 2020)
- Support permission for sharing dashboard tabs (Issue id: 2028)
- Move permission "merge products" from "edit products" to it's own permission (Issue id: 2009)
- Require permission to be able to create saved searches (Issue id: 2030)
- Optimize publication cleanup (Issue id: 2038)
- Optimize enrichment insights entity lookup (Issue id: 2037)
- Allow filtering entities in Enrichment insights widget (Issue id: 1890)
- New template engine in Publications (Liquid) (Issue id: 1663)
- Allow setting OwnerReferenceKey on classifications, when creating products (Issue id: 1963)
- Remember last used tab on products/variants/categories (Issue id: 635)
- Cannot set global list keys for complex global list attribute in API (Issue id: 1149)
- Can't see if a attribute is used on a category (Issue id: 1483)
- API client missing mismatch with publications (BC) (Issue id: 1938)
- Sort attributes as set in Product Structure in Publications data (Issue id: 1901)
- Check All API permission button (Issue id: 1895)
- Navigate to search result from enrichment insights widget (Issue id: 1863)
- Copy feature when managing enrichment insights (Issue id: 1841)
- List type missing wrapper element for values in Publication dataset (xslt only) (Issue id: 1925)
- Supplier Portal: Does not adhere to readonly status on languages and dimensions (Issue id: 2081)
- Propagating variant index updates as a consequence of global list value updates fails, if the same attribute references the same global list value multiple times (Issue id: 2122)
- Updating inherited enrichment indsights in systemqueue task sometimes fails with a timeout (Issue id: 2123)
- Supplier Portal: Rich text editor is not displayed (Issue id: 2079)
- Supplier Portal: Multi line text fields are displayed as single line (Issue id: 2083)
- Supplier portal: Product suggestion displays a broken link, if not set up correctly (Issue id: 2080)
- Supplier Portal: Broken image link when image not added (Issue id: 2113)
- Supplier Portal: Language-tags overlaps with text-box (Issue id: 2078)
- RTE and translation mode breaks UI/styling (Issue id: 1975)
- Sequential update frontend/graphic issues (Issue id: 1838)
- Variant update should have a nicer response, when variant doesn't exsist (Issue id: 1889)
v. 3.10.21
- Optimize category sort order for ToC use in Publications (Issue id: 2086)
- Rebuild PIM references - handle changes while rebuilding (Issue id: 1819)
- Change access modifiers for methods in ExcelFileReader (Issue id: 2063)
- Use read only fields as keys in import (Issue id: 2072)
- Matching items from import keys with many matches, times out in elastic (Issue id: 2091)
- On never before filled attributes, editormodel can mistake inheritance (Issue id: 2095)
- Xml rendering error for header/footer when using customdata in ToC (Issue id: 2093)
- Use real PDF size for rendering have no effect on header/footer in Publications (Issue id: 1900)
- Allow fallback language on sub attributes (Issue id: 2068)
- Name is not updated on variant when Global List value is changed and it is used on naming model in variant definitions (Issue id: 2062)
- Error when switching language on tab containing a readonly or unchangeable list attribute (Issue id: 2069)
- item order is not retained when building PDF catalogue (Issue id: 2066)
v. 3.10.20
- Include failed identifier in error message (Issue id: 1977)
- Support exporting product structure for variants and products (Issue id: 1966)
- Reordering a media attribute's images sometimes moves the add link too (Issue id: 2059)
- Error when using import on a sub attribute from a global list attribute that is segmented (Issue id: 2058)
- Use external DAM not set in importcontext (Issue id: 2057)
v. 3.10.19
- Search on completeness shows error until criteria fully entered (Issue id: 2044)
- Filter is preserved when loading search page, even if user has previously removed it (Issue id: 2051)
- Saved search dashboard widget, reload does not refresh background color (Issue id: 2050)
- Permission to manage export templates does not make the link visible in menu (Issue id: 2052)
- Error in Enrichment Insight when adding combined category - product structure insights (Issue id: 2049)
- Rollback revision on a global list is possible without permission (Issue id: 2042)
- It is possible to add values to a global list from global liste value picker shown as table, even though the user does not have edit rights (Issue id: 2046)
- When removing all user groups that can access file mapping, no one has access instead of everyone (Issue id: 2048)
- Import uses wrong elastic field uid for key fields on complex attributes (Issue id: 2047)
v. 3.10.18
- NumberAttributes should support 20 decimals (Issue id: 2039)
- Show the name of the dimension segments belong to, when showing segment on products, variants and categories (Issue id: 2036)
- An unchanageable attribute can be saved through UI, even if it has got a value from API in the meantime (Issue id: 2023)
- Identifiers does not ignore null values when a separator is used in pattern (Issue id: 2041)
- Changing a non-localized attribute to localized breaks product creation, if enrichment insight references the non-localized attribute (Issue id: 1986)
- Edit/create text attribute - use multi row text and use rich text not aligned (Issue id: 2012)
- Setting up enrichment insight on product specifications, locks the categories below (Issue id: 2016)
- Enrichment insight setup, headline/name is missing (Issue id: 2017)
- Search filters are not preserved when going away from search page (Issue id: 2027)
- Revision log by field shows incorrect username (Issue id: 2035)
- Category attributes 'Editable on' doesn't update correctly on categories that have been moved (Issue id: 2032)
- Switching between dynamic tabs or sections causes double initialization of content (Issue id: 2033)
- API: Updating a fixedlist attribute with a value uid does not validate that the uid actually belongs to the global list (Issue id: 2022)
v. 3.10.17
- Limit on elastic fields can result in empty fields in search (Issue id: 2018)
v. 3.10.16
- Support making globallist keys case insensitive (Issue id: 2005)
- Increase max number of indexable fields from 10.000 to 100.000 (Issue id: 2013)
- Enable search on media original name containing special characters (Issue id: 2010)
- Support for selectable text in Publications (Issue id: 2011)
- Uploading file in backoffice with DAM extension enabled, can cause issues (Issue id: 2004)
- Clicking upload after media upload is failed, triggers selectmediatype too soon (Issue id: 2006)
- Complex attribute with AllowMultupleRows on a translatable sub attribute is not migrated correctly from v2 to v3 (Issue id: 2001)
- Elastic indexing fails if field data is larger than 32kb (Issue id: 1558)
v. 3.10.15
- Remove legacy methods in ProductBroker (Issue id: 1989)
- An empty Product Reference attribute inconsistently returns 0 or null through the API (Issue id: 1990)
- Global list copy function should unlock unchangeable fields (Issue id: 1995)
- Moving category from tree menu fails (Issue id: 1999)
- Comparison of global list values can fail in seldom cases, if list of selected values is null instead of an empty list (Issue id: 1998)
- Languages are initialized before migrations causing migration to fail (Issue id: 1997)
v. 3.10.14
- Separate Create Products / Create Variants / Copy products / Copy variants permission (Issue id: 1981)
- Ability to sort languages (Issue id: 1987)
- Add new permissions for exporting from PIM and edit dashboard (Issue id: 1982)
- Increase elastic field limit from 5k to 10k (Issue id: 1991)
v. 3.10.13
- Extend Attributefacade with method to retrieve attributes based on their attributetype (Issue id: 1980)
- Add flag icon for locale en-001 "English (World)" (Issue id: 1983)
- Add support for dependency injection of RequestHandler in API client (Issue id: 1984)
- Changing of product structure fails, if no variation definitions exist for new product structure (Issue id: 1985)
- Error when using Razor with Variant Publications (Issue id: 1970)
- Queue error in Export Publications (Issue id: 1969)
- Use PIM security permission "View auditlog" (Issue id: 1968)
v. 3.10.12
- Support for adding custom data in Publications preview (Issue id: 1954)
- Exporters - Display exception message in PIM interface (Issue id: 1960)
- Add Excel export endpoint to API (Issue id: 1959)
- Add download link to backgroundtask (Issue id: 1947)
- Introduce 'BeforeCreated, BeforeUpdated and BeforeDeleted' events on products, variants and categories (Issue id: 1942)
- Wording of "Parent product update" in webhook conditional triggering can be confusing (Issue id: 1936)
- Add interfaces for endpoints in .NET client (Issue id: 1943)
- Complex and List attributes on a complex ignores permission for input (Issue id: 1957)
- Fix support for complex CustomData structures in Publications (Issue id: 1953)
- File import sets attribute values that are not included in product configuration (Issue id: 1324)
- It is possible to import data to attributes which the user does not have access to (Issue id: 1931)
- Build complete status not always set correct for Publications through PIM API (Issue id: 1952)
- Reference mapping error in Publications data (Issue id: 1951)
- Error restoring inheritance on localized values in some scenarioes (Issue id: 1949)
- SystemQueue can end up having hanging tasks in cases of untimed shutdown of application (Issue id: 1944)
- Move category model backoffice endpoint model expecting single category (Issue id: 1940)
- API client missing mismatch with publications (Issue id: 1935)
- Error downloading multiple publications in single request through API (Issue id: 1937)
v. 3.10.11
- Drag and drop of dashboard widgets no longer work in most browsers (Issue id: 1934)
- Group Values changed to AttributeValues in Json preview in Publications (Issue id: 1932)
v. 3.10.10
- Missing name on variant single page Publications (Issue id: 1926)
- Import of list attribute data fails, if an empty media item is part of the import (Issue id: 1930)
- Backoffice rendering of media items fail, if an empty media reference is added (Issue id: 1929)
- Import of dates does not use same culture as the one used for exports (Issue id: 1928)
- Adding multiple attributes to a category does not work (Issue id: 1927)
v. 3.10.9
- Require confirmation if PIM transaction affects >X items (Issue id: 1919)
- Error when adding enrichment insight to category (Issue id: 1918)
- Only show add global-list-value button when permission (Issue id: 1920)
- Fix "Move variants" permission (Issue id: 1921)
- Rendering global list reference as list in list attribute rendered as list causes error (Issue id: 1924)
v. 3.10.8
- GET productstructures fails when publicationpreview attribute is set on productconfiguration (Issue id: 1903)
- Cannot enable list view of list attributes within global list (Issue id: 1902)
v. 3.10.7
- Optimize data load in Publications (Issue id: 1894)
- Remove Enrichment overhead in Search if no Enrichment Insights set (Issue id: 1898)
- Support limiting product reference picker to specific product structure (Issue id: 1875)
- Allow enrichment insights on root attributes (Issue id: 1897)
- Number attributes can no longer have "-" in them (Issue id: 1893)
- User can select variants from other products, even though variant reference attribute is configured to only allow variants of the product (Issue id: 1899)
- Footer transform error with XSLT in Publications (Issue id: 1885)
v. 3.10.6
- Underscore is not valid in attribute alias in 3.0.0 migration (Issue id: 1873)
- Importing media reference in supplier portal causes exception (Issue id: 1872)
- Enrichment-insight "Model name" not rendered as text (Issue id: 1874)
- Revision log by Field has exception if no changes in revision (Issue id: 1882)
- Revision log empty when boolean value is changed from null to false (Issue id: 1790)
- Optimize performance for indexing cross indexed fields (Issue id: 1883)
v. 3.10.5
- Duplicate key exception is triggered on changing primary category (Issue id: 1867)
- Users cannot access filemappings, if they don't have user group access (Issue id: 1871)
- Publication script error (Issue id: 1868)
v. 3.10.4
- Descriptions when creating attribute is incorrect (Issue id: 1860)
- Api client should return Task instead of void for async methods (Issue id: 1866)
- Variant import will not let you import value from same Global list (Issue id: 1864)
- Global list reference with table display enabled does not render correct, when Elastic is used for indexing (Issue id: 1865)
v. 3.10.3
- Global list reference attributes with multiselect of global list values containing dates cannot be indexed to Elastic (Issue id: 1862)
v. 3.10.2
- Indexing of dates in lists can break in certain cases (Issue id: 1861)
- It is possible to change which global list a global list reference points to, causing indexing problems (Issue id: 1859)
- Enrichment insights are not calculated for categories (Issue id: 1858)
- Breadcrumb does not show correct path when creating new product in category (Issue id: 1857)
v. 3.10.1
- Removing all attributes from category throws error (Issue id: 1856)
- Dimensions with no values create errors on all products (Issue id: 1834)
- StructPIMApiClient fails, if more than one object of this class is instantiated (Issue id: 1855)
- When updating a global list value, which is inherited to variants, the value is not updated in the variant index (Issue id: 1854)
v. 3.10.0
The transaction property of PIMEventArgs not contains a TransactionModel instead of the PIMTransaction
When AndCommittedEventArgs are fired, Username is null, because there is no transaction.
We have had to change the indexing of dates in list attributes, so if any model contains a list attribute with a date time attribute within it, a full rebuild of the indexes is required for these list attributes to work
The endpoint “
“ has been changed to “enrichmentinsightsetups/{entityType}/availabledatareferences
“. ConfigurationUid is now provided as a querystring parameter instead of as a path parameter.
- Add support for Enrichment insights based on master categories (BC) (Issue id: 1779)
- Add catalogue placement as export field on variants (Issue id: 1742)
- Support adding attributes to workbench (Issue id: 1777)
- New widget type to present completeness metrics from enrichment insights (Issue id: 1763)
- Add entity selector support for supplier portal (Issue id: 1617)
- Make complete category path searchable for products in Search (Issue id: 1805)
- Support toggle html preview in Publications (Issue id: 1806)
- Support variant selection in Publication preview (Issue id: 1810)
- Support fallback language on data in Publications (Issue id: 1802)
- Combine multiple items in single page Publication (Issue id: 1809)
- Allow specifying columns in "search result" widget (Issue id: 1755)
- Search in revision log (Issue id: 1785)
- Support user specific filemappings (Issue id: 1762)
- Language change should be easier available (Issue id: 1842)
- Make it possible to easily navigate to last page in media-picker (Issue id: 1847)
- Catalogue tree language should not change with translation language (Issue id: 1595)
- measuring point assumes isarchived = false in query (Issue id: 1784)
- Communication around emails not clear under "Settings"->"Setup" (Issue id: 1840)
- Handle aggregated indexing through queue instead of in app async methods (Issue id: 1822)
- Changing attribute type may cause elastic indexing to work (Issue id: 1794)
- Support combine items for single page Publications (Issue id: 1760)
- Rebuild index tasks - Applying index task may cause excessive RAM usage (Issue id: 1818)
- Add the possibility to use "Saved searches" as quick searches on the search page (Issue id: 1725)
- Add support for copying attribute (Issue id: 1792)
- Support multiple products in Publication preview (Issue id: 1759)
- Optimize editor for Publication (Issue id: 1789)
- Possibility to sort products within categories via API (Issue id: 1634)
- Support getting Umbraco properties on media items through asset API (Issue id: 1460)
- Support async methods in API client (Issue id: 1688)
- Add support for copying global list values (Issue id: 1711)
- *AndCommittedEventArgs Should set username (BC) (Issue id: 1829)
- Searching a specific date in a list attribute yields wrong results (BC) (Issue id: 1771)
- Timeout when rebuilding collections with many items (Issue id: 1848)
- Sub category attribute sorting not updated correct (Issue id: 1843)
- Supplier login notification data scheme looks strange (Issue id: 1835)
- Swagger documentation wrong in URL (Issue id: 1845)
- Culture mismatch between server and client in transactionendpoint (Issue id: 1613)
- Umbraco mediacontroller wrong order on folders (Issue id: 1828)
- Rebuilding identifiers yields timeout if there are too many identifiers (Issue id: 1807)
- List import doesn't seem to match on identifier correctly (Issue id: 1747)
- List import key mapping doesn't include "Identifier" (Issue id: 1746)
- Import - "composite" keys for globallist values should not be allowed (Issue id: 1713)
- Variant is not listed in category when adding product to category from the classification tab (Issue id: 1815)
- Background task bulkupdate has potential to get SQL timeout (Issue id: 1681)
- Cannot search variant identifier containing "+" in API endpoint (Issue id: 1814)
- Cannot create global-list-value with empty list-value as key (Issue id: 1821)
- Rebuild product identifiers - timeout (Issue id: 1733)
- Indexes are not rebuilt when a product catalogue is deleted (Issue id: 1729)
- Empty search in measuring point set wrong filtervalue in json (Issue id: 1780)
- Attribute excel import fails in browser (Issue id: 1812)
- Scheduled task DatabaseMaintenance failed(timeout) (Issue id: 1678)
- Group pages not mapped correctly in Publications (Issue id: 1803)
v. 3.9.19
- Change access modifiers on import properties (Issue id: 1844)
v. 3.9.18
- Translation view not showing localized values for List attribute type (Issue id: 1831)
v. 3.9.17
- Fix exception in Struct.PIM.Api.Models when deserializing custom models (Issue id: 1826)
- Attribute values with global list references are not rendered correctly, when restoring inheritance (Issue id: 1825)
v. 3.9.16
- Restoring inheritance can become impossible for localized values in some cases (Issue id: 1820)
v. 3.9.15
- Enrichment insights are not initialized on startup (Issue id: 1798)
v. 3.9.14
- Allow public access to shared excel file reader class (Issue id: 1797)
- API - search endpoint, datetime formatting (Issue id: 1795)
- Import global list values with image references to external DAM (Issue id: 1793)
- Missing data in variant Publication (Issue id: 1791)
v. 3.9.13
- Search - media thumbnails and large page size slows the system (Issue id: 1743)
- Multi page variant Publication build error (Issue id: 1786)
v. 3.9.12
- Show date in the background task dashboard widget (Issue id: 1774)
- Shortcuts should always be local to the user (even on default dashboard and shared dashboards) (Issue id: 1776)
- Error occurs when user has no dashboard associated (Issue id: 1775)
v. 3.9.10
- Format attribute required for image tag to display in Publications (Issue id: 1717)
- Page number incorrect when using regions in Publications (Issue id: 1737)
- Include importcontext using typecast update attributevalues (Issue id: 1749)
- MediaSearchResult has potentential chance for null ref (Issue id: 1745)
- Background tasks can run out of available threads (Issue id: 1744)
- Read-only rights on languages and dimensions persists across logins (Issue id: 1720)
- It is not possible to save a category search as a measuring point (Issue id: 1724)
- List attribute in table view does not respect rights (Issue id: 1721)
- It is possible to edit global list configurations without edit rights (Issue id: 1722)
- It is possible to edit product catalogues even if the user doesn't have edit rights for catalogues. (Issue id: 1723)
v. 3.9.8
- List names of empty when showing error message "global list value cannot be empty" (Issue id: 1734)
- Trigger webhook when category sort order is updated (Issue id: 1731)
- Supplier-portal: Hide suggest product/variant when no wizard is configured (Issue id: 1706)
- Product configuration cannot be saved when a custom InsightsDataDescriptor is implemented (Issue id: 1730)
- Problem with duplicate global list values when using part of localized text as key definition (Issue id: 1732)
v. 3.9.7
- Remove option for changing master catalogue in UI (Issue id: 1719)
- Indexing product, variant or category references on variants fail (Issue id: 1718)
- Unarchiving product through API also unarchives products' variants (Issue id: 1699)
- Exporting classification descriptor throws "too many params" exception (Issue id: 1712)
- Classifying products makes product edit page fail (Issue id: 1690)
v. 3.9.6
- Use default template size when exporting publications if none set (Issue id: 1773)
- If all globallists are empty we divide by zero when rebuilding global list index. (Issue id: 1702)
- PIM API - /variants/identifiers/{identifierAlias}/{identifier} (Issue id: 1499)
- Dashboard widgets does not keep selected position (Issue id: 1691)
- Too many running threads for content in Publication generation (Issue id: 1708)
- Bad value format introduced on Publication fields (Issue id: 1707)
v. 3.9.5
- Add PageSize for template setup in Publication (Issue id: 1701)
- Create redirect if api root is called (Issue id: 1698)
- Cannot preview TIFF images in search-result (Issue id: 1705)
- Latest activities shows negative time (Issue id: 1612)
- Error when exporting a mix of product with and without images (Issue id: 1703)
- Create asset returns 200 but null as asset id (Issue id: 1694)
- If amount of decimal is changed on number attribute Index needs to rebuild (Issue id: 1379)
- Duplicate logins in supplier portal (Issue id: 1636)
- PIM picker plugin missing style (Issue id: 1697)
v. 3.9.4
- Saving of product can fail, if product has no variation definition (Issue id: 1696)
- Custom enrichment insights are persisted with wrong type (Issue id: 1692)
- Download excel from supplier fails (Issue id: 1484)
- "All" in Search includes archived (Issue id: 1695)
v. 3.9.3
- Using "All" to select items in Search is slow when there are a lot of items being selected (Issue id: 1662)
- PIM elastic index - index.max_terms_count is always default (Issue id: 1679)
- Values are written to index, even if transaction further modifies items. (Issue id: 1660)
- PIM index rebuild deletes master index (Issue id: 1676)
- Index can be deleted if fails in ApplyIndexingTasks() method (Issue id: 1609)
- Copy catalogue with productreferences not taking references (Issue id: 1693)
- "Editable on" is missing in API on /categories/productattributes endpoints (Issue id: 1642)
- "Editable on" is not inherited through category attributes (Issue id: 1687)
- Variant names with inherited attributes are not updated (Issue id: 1686)
- When importing - Multiple media assets in precache found for a row results in media attribute not being updated correctly (Issue id: 1684)
- Unable to export image URL from nested objects (Issue id: 1683)
- Publication Template preview displays unknown error (Issue id: 1677)
v. 3.9.2
- Only display enabled templates in Publication preview (Issue id: 1671)
- Bulk update of variation definition does not update variant internal names (Issue id: 1672)
- Import of with media assets can fail if multiple rows in the data sheet has the same id in the key column (Issue id: 1673)
- Publication edit error (Issue id: 1670)
v. 3.9.1
- List values on product search are only searchable on root level (Issue id: 1626)
- Dashboard throws an error if the default tab is deleted from the default dashboard (Issue id: 1667)
- Cannot search list sub attributes on products (Issue id: 1669)
- In seldom cases, import with medias can cause indexoutofrange, when mapping uploaded images to data attributes (Issue id: 1668)
v. 3.9.0
Imports no longer run in a single transaction, but are instead split into batches which execute async in a background task
- Add support for proposing new products through Supplier Portal UI (Issue id: 1549)
- Preview Publication template directly from product / variant (Issue id: 1657)
- Publication UI update (Issue id: 1291)
- Display detailed error message when publication build fails (Issue id: 1524)
- Increase generation speed when using regions in Publications (Issue id: 1658)
- Extend template name to avoid max length issue in Publications (Issue id: 1656)
- Minimize json in Publication preview (Issue id: 1655)
- Optimize editor space/tab (Issue id: 1637)
- Add region specific header/footer in publications (Issue id: 1638)
- Possibility to see other defining attributes even though they are not part of the current defined attributes (Issue id: 1593)
- Remember preview settings in publications per user (Issue id: 1389)
- Add support for running imports in background task (Issue id: 1650)
- Add support for events firing when transactions are completed (Issue id: 1646)
- Bypass webhook events on transactions (Issue id: 1632)
- Struct.PIM.Api: Missing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors dependency in nuspec (Issue id: 1666)
- Excel importer upload all medias in file (Issue id: 1456)
v. 3.8.7
- It's not possible to bulk update attributes which is on configuration and category (Issue id: 1665)
v. 3.8.6
- Fallback values for languages are not always set on complex global list values (Issue id: 1654)
- Asset API does not correctly create folders in Umbraco media archive (Issue id: 1661)
v. 3.8.5
- Export resolved urls with file names included when exporting images (Issue id: 1648)
- Use semicolon as separator instead of comma for URLs in export of media urls (Issue id: 1064)
- Permissions are validated incorrectly when bulk updating category attribute values (Issue id: 1649)
- Importing images from urls like **/GetMediar?id=xxx will not show preview in import report (Issue id: 1647)
v. 3.8.4
- Creating a new global list value from fixedlist attribute shortcut does not update content of fixedlist attribute (Issue id: 1645)
- Race conditions when updating aggregated values in index can cause wrong values to be indexed (Issue id: 1644)
- Wrong mapping on nested complex fields in Publications datamodel ((Razor only) (Issue id: 1643)
- Exception when exporting products with classifications (Issue id: 1639)
- Fix region specific hide/show header and footer in Publications (Issue id: 1640)
v. 3.8.2
- Only display selected languages for inserts in Publications (Issue id: 1619)
- ReadOnly attribute values can be overridden usning bulk update (Issue id: 1611)
- Merge products with hasvariants enabled but no variants deletes all merging products (Issue id: 1592)
- Merging discardes attributes data (Issue id: 1594)
- Discard changes dialog always appear, when managing attributes (Issue id: 1622)
- Bulk update boolean to false does not work unless toggled true ->false (Issue id: 1620)
- RefKey on classifications set through API is cleared when user changes classifications in UI (Issue id: 1621)
- Copy multi page and change to single page triggers error in Publications (Issue id: 1618)
- Product names not displayed in customize when exporting publication (Issue id: 1616)
v. 3.8.0
- Support close integration with external DAM systems (Issue id: 1514)
- Background tasks widget (Issue id: 1540)
- Add support for setting default dashboard for new users (Issue id: 1572)
- Add support for controlling separator for rendering of list attributes (Issue id: 1581)
- Support updating parent on categories through API (Issue id: 1587)
- Add support for controlling if sections are collapsed by default (Issue id: 1573)
- Add support for controlling headline of system tabs "variants" and "classifications" (Issue id: 1571)
- Restart existing task instead of copying when restarting failed background task (Issue id: 1541)
- Typo in NotSupportedException (Issue id: 1591)
v. 3.7.4
- MultiPage index error in Publications (Issue id: 1588)
v. 3.7.3
- Productreference data error in Publications (Issue id: 1582)
v. 3.7.2
- Make a Facade call matching API Get[X]AttributeValues<T> (Issue id: 1562)
- Import fails if image is 404 from url (Issue id: 1535)
- PIM creates multiple media items from import if several rows contains the same image url but with different casing (Issue id: 1577)
- Inherited values and "null" values (Issue id: 1559)
- Internal names for variants will be out of sync if attribute rendering is changed (Issue id: 1574)
- Hydration of product, variant and categoryreferences can fail if the same entity is referenced multiple times in attributevalues being hydrated (Issue id: 1575)
v. 3.7.1
Uid of product, variant and category reference fields have changed and will need to be remapped in file mappings whenever used
- Allow name as searchable field for product, variant and category reference attributes (Issue id: 1567)
- Importing to RTE in global list results in double <p> tags (Issue id: 1569)
- Global list references with translatable values are shown in split screen when enabling translation mode (Issue id: 1570)
- Publication fails if no classification available (Issue id: 1568)
- When doing an export and selecting one type of export before another, validation prevents the user from pushing the download button (Issue id: 1563)
- Product edit: Thumbnail placeholder not shown when media is missing (Issue id: 1561)
- Indexed values from product to variant cannot be searched in some cases (Issue id: 1424)
- API fails when automapping global list value references from product models when referenced global list uses nested global list values as keys (Issue id: 1566)
- Fix publication backoffice export for products (Issue id: 1564)
- Publication API installation from Nuget does not compile (Issue id: 1553)
v. 3.7.0
- Add widget that allows quick export of resultset in saved searches using predefined file mappings (Issue id: 1538)
- Add list of CollectionModels to CollectionDeleted event (Issue id: 1508)
- Add transaction endpoint to get transaction information (Issue id: 1537)
- Generate publications from Variants instead of Products (Issue id: 1510)
- Support search on Categories in internal PIM.Search (Issue id: 1066)
- Support exporting classifications per catalogue (Issue id: 1428)
- Primary category as search and export field (Issue id: 1441)
- Support importing categories (Issue id: 827)
- Support using identifiers as key when exporting list properties (Issue id: 1550)
- Add API support for fetching zip file with certain assets (Issue id: 1529)
- Group search and bulk operations (Issue id: 178)
- Support exporting categories (Issue id: 1523)
- Add support for importing product classifications (Issue id: 1536)
- Support for importing variant and product reference (Issue id: 1274)
- Support using sub attributes for matching global list values when importing product/variant data (Issue id: 1335)
- Include internal name of products and variants in API models (Issue id: 1509)
- Cannot add/update rows in list property from import when selected key is unchangeable (Issue id: 1552)
- Missing specific permission for enrichment insight management (Issue id: 1519)
v. 3.6.8
- Supplier portal visual fixes (Issue id: 1544)
- Warning is logged excessively for api/client version mismatch (Issue id: 1546)
- PIM Api / get product attribute values endpoint / use existing product ids after lookup (Issue id: 1547)
- Setting up searchquery for dashboard throws null error on decimal (Issue id: 1548)
- Date fields does not update when changing segment (Issue id: 1528)
- products/{id}/variants and products/batch/variants API endpoints accepts includeArchived query, but is not available in .NET client (Issue id: 1543)
v. 3.6.7
- Api product updates can cause dublicate primary categories for products (Issue id: 1521)
- MediaData MapFromString() should clear existing value if incoming value is null or empty (Issue id: 1520)
- Date attribute with min value breaks when being fetched trough API, if timezone is not in UTC (Issue id: 1527)
v. 3.6.6
- Global list search is not available in API (Issue id: 1502)
- When emptying a field value, Elastic is not updated correspondingly (Issue id: 1513)
- Cannot search for notempty on decimal fields (Issue id: 1511)
- Rename LocalizedData property in data preview in Publication (Issue id: 1507)
- Custom tabs break saving if Sections is not defined. (Issue id: 1503)
- API fails if only attribute uids are provided in batch requests (Issue id: 1506)
- PIM shows wrong date in UI, when saving a date which has different daylight saving time compared to current daylight saving time (Issue id: 1505)
v. 3.6.5
- Media url export fails, if media attribute is empty (Issue id: 1500)
- Only validate variant config, when variants are enabled on product structure update (Issue id: 1495)
- Overridden attributes not shown on technical specifications (Issue id: 1491)
- Cannot change attribute alias in UI (Issue id: 1492)
- Changing product structure can cause products to have wrong variation definition afterwards (Issue id: 1497)
v. 3.6.4
- Add categories to productdata in Publications (Issue id: 1474)
- Add all localized values available in Publications (Issue id: 1475)
- Support inserts front/back in product sheets for Publications (Issue id: 1476)
- Support for searching in variant definition on variant search (Issue id: 1436)
- Copy product result in error due to duplicate identifiers (Issue id: 1479)
- Date input fields uses local browser timezone instead of specified PIM timezone (Issue id: 1477)
- Attribute reference to global list does not allow unfolding of subattributes (Issue id: 1490)
- Cross indexing of inherited values doesn't register updates (Issue id: 1482)
- List attribute import error (Issue id: 1489)
- Enrichment insights on variants are not updated, when inherited value is updated (Issue id: 1487)
- Enrichment insights column look strange when a list attribute is selected as part of the insight (Issue id: 1486)
- All attributes are shown when doing filemapping in import (Issue id: 1457)
- Import add/update on unchangable key (Issue id: 1458)
- If toggled back and forth, global list revisions are duplicated (Issue id: 1472)
- Export publications don't select pagesize throw error (Issue id: 1464)
- Zoom på billeder fungerer ikke i søgning og i mediapicker (Issue id: 1439)
- Sorting categories does not fire categoriesupdated event (Issue id: 1478)
- Webhook requests for global list value deleted are empty (Issue id: 1465)
- Importing a Global list of type localized text attribute throws null reference (Issue id: 1463)
v. 3.6.3
- Bulk update string replace error when replacing with empty string (Issue id: 1461)
- List attribute can create dublicate data elements in some setups causing exports to stop working (Issue id: 1462)
- Dashboard tab UI breaks if user has a lot of tabs (Issue id: 1451)
- Using bulk update on segmented values sometimes throws null reference (Issue id: 1449)
- Global list search does not work if a list is included in the global list model (Issue id: 1459)
- Sort global list values throws exception when elastic is used (Issue id: 1447)
- Manage global lists permission does not cover management of global list folders (Issue id: 1454)
v. 3.6.2
- format missing exception when displaying created or lastmodified on variant search (Issue id: 1445)
- Defining attributes are missing on variants (Issue id: 1448)
v. 3.6.1
- Update dependencies for Publications (Issue id: 1430)
- Sorting of folders in media selector in PIM does not follow sorting in Umbraco media archive (Issue id: 1438)
- Generic exception thrown when importing from excel and key value is empty in excel (Issue id: 1432)
- Attributevalues that are not part of the variantdefinition are accessible (Issue id: 1423)
- Making a product merge dosn't update product index (Issue id: 1433)
- Cannot attach attributes to categories from attribute detail page (Issue id: 1442)
- Cannot set transformations on sub attribute values (Issue id: 1425)
- Read only on product model is not respected on GlobalListAttribute when table view is selected (Issue id: 1431)
- Searching in variant definition selectize does not work (Issue id: 1437)
- Missing migration for TemplateInfo column on FileMappings (Issue id: 1426)
- Hide size for data-only Publications (Issue id: 1440)
- Dublicate attribute dataelements causing enrichment calculation to fail (Issue id: 1427)
- Global.asax from Nuget package is missing new ElasticAuthentication object in bootstrapping (Issue id: 1421)
v. 3.6.0
IExporter interface has changed. Interface now requires new methods GetSortOrder(), Initialize(string serializedSettings) and GetDescription() to be implemented. BuildExportFile(List<int> itemIds, FileMappings.Entity.FileMapping fileMapping) and GetTypedSettings(dynamic settings) is removed, while the signature of BuildExportFile(List<int> itemIds, ExportSettings settings) is changed.
- Import interface to custom imports (Issue id: 964)
- Add support for importing and exporting List Attribute values (BC) (Issue id: 1334)
- Add support for setting if category attribute is viewable and readonly on products and/or variants (Issue id: 1371)
- Add support for searching variant attributes on products and vice versa (Issue id: 1397)
- Add support for getting product/variant/category attribute values back in time (Issue id: 1372)
- Add browse API endpoints (Issue id: 1387)
- Sort webhooks by name (Issue id: 1234)
- Show overriden specification attributes values on variants (Issue id: 1294)
- Add product data to product:deleted webhook (Issue id: 1420)
- Allow custom implementations of IPIMTask (Issue id: 1390)
- Allow import of excel sheets with empty columns (Issue id: 1418)
- Read only attributes on products from categories (Issue id: 1386)
- Allow re indexing elastic index while working in the system (Issue id: 1350)
- UI for working, success and error state on buttons (Issue id: 685)
- Allow sorting of variation definitions and make first one default (Issue id: 1370)
- Sort folders first in mediapicker (Issue id: 1376)
- Add support for credentials for Elastic Server Connections (Issue id: 1323)
- Require value in text field for global lists (Issue id: 1338)
- Edit global list value from table view (Issue id: 1301)
v. 3.5.9
- Add support for line breaks in Excel imports (Issue id: 1413)
- Update sequencially fails to save changes when a large number of products and columns are loaded (Issue id: 1412)
v. 3.5.8
- Add support for using Dapper versions >1.5.0 (Issue id: 1410)
- Add support for using EPPlus version > 4.1.0 (Issue id: 1411)
- Using another referenced global list as key in global list keys does not work properly (Issue id: 1409)
v. 3.5.7
- Backoffice Permission for GetAttributes() changed from manage to browse (Issue id: 1396)
- Support new media types introduced in Umbraco 8.15 (Issue id: 1408)
- Huge imports fail because reference value comparison is too slow (Issue id: 1407)
- Import handles keys CaseSensitivily on report generation but CaseInSensitivily on commit (Issue id: 1401)
v. 3.5.6
- Improve error display in Publication template editing (Issue id: 1388)
- Add support for multiple products in single page publication (Issue id: 1393)
- Add support for global page orientation in Publications (Issue id: 1391)
v. 3.5.5
- Rich text editor does not work in Umbraco 8.15 (Issue id: 1385)
v. 3.5.4
- Bulk moving product classifications can end up in multiple primary category selections (Issue id: 1384)
- When adding new global list value to unsorted list, the new global list value gets a negative sortorder (Issue id: 1383)
v. 3.5.3
- Enrichment insights calculation fails for attributes, if changes are made to products for anything but attribute values (Issue id: 1375)
v. 3.5.2
- Improve FileReader error handling when loading import file (Issue id: 1364)
- Inline upload in media picker does not work (Issue id: 1365)
- Misc ui Bugs after css scoping (Issue id: 1366)
- QueryBuilder and/or UI fix (Issue id: 1363)
- Collections/{uid}/references endpoint does not work correctly (Issue id: 1367)
- Cannot override an inherited attribute value on a variant to an empty value (Issue id: 1360)
- If an attribute value is changed, saved, changed back and saved in UI, the last save does not take effect (Issue id: 1361)
- Struct.PIM.Api: Cannot load System.Web.Http.Cors when installing NuGet-package (Issue id: 1359)
v. 3.5.1
- StructPIM css class is not always set on app-content element causing PIM styling to bleed into Umbraco (Issue id: 1358)
- API permissions for toggling enrichment on products and categories are shown under Products headline in UI (Issue id: 1357)
- Loading enrichment sidebar widget fails, if enrichment insight with no models added exist (Issue id: 1356)
- products/batch/references is used as URL instead of variants/batch/references in endpoint to get variant references (Issue id: 1355)
v. 3.5.0
Columns that are not mapped to any field in an Export template were previously ignored. These are now included in the export with empty values.
method ofExportFieldDescriptor
now take aTransformation
object as parameter to allow for specifying transformations of field data
- Enrichment insights (Issue id: 1256)
- Support transformations of data when exporting products/variants to Excel (BC) (Issue id: 1150)
- Add endpoints for getting references to Attributes (Issue id: 1336)
- Add endpoints for getting references to categories (Issue id: 1327)
- Add endpoints for getting references to products (Issue id: 1329)
- Add endpoints for getting references to variants (Issue id: 1330)
- Add endpoints for getting references to collections (Issue id: 1331)
- Add endpoints for getting references to global list values (Issue id: 1318)
- Support custom header section in Excel when exporting products and variants (Issue id: 1151)
- Support inserting created, createdby, lastmodified and lastmodifiedby on configurations (Issue id: 1298)
- Support fixed values for certain columns in File mappings used when exporting data using that file mappings (Issue id: 1152)
- Show warning when leaving page with unsaved changes (Issue id: 1185)
- API endpoint to get all existing product structures missing in .NET API client (Issue id: 1352)
- Add support for discard changes dialog, when leaving page with un-saved changes (Issue id: 1285)
- GlobalListAttribute - Sort values by global list sort order when global list requires sorting (Issue id: 1249)
- Support getting uids of global lists instead of materialized objects from API (Issue id: 1317)
- Support CDN urls in Asset API (Issue id: 1303)
- Change markup and styling from umb to pim (Issue id: 1205)
- Number of variants is sometimes not updated correctly in index (Issue id: 1351)
- Api Client, GetCategoryIds requires uid parameter that is not used. (Issue id: 1353)
- fix api favico (Issue id: 1354)
- Background tasks can end up stuck in processing state, if thread pool shuts down (Issue id: 1299)
v. 3.4.12
- Identifier not updating when changing alias on existing even after rebuild (Issue id: 1342)
- Struct.PIM.Api.Client - Wrong Newtonsoft.Json version in nuget file (Issue id: 1346)
- Indexing Products not batched (Issue id: 1343)
v. 3.4.11
- Global list searches does not work correctly in Elastic (Issue id: 1347)
- Elastic settings in web.config are reset when updating from Nuget (Issue id: 1345)
- Distributed Global.asax files does not compile on Supplier portal and API when updating from Nuget (Issue id: 1344)
v. 3.4.10
- Archived variants are always displayed. Not respecting "include archived" flag (Issue id: 1339)
- Cannot control backoffice rendering of complex attributes (Issue id: 1341)
- Primary category is removed, if update categories request is made with the same primary category set as the current primary category (Issue id: 1340)
v. 3.4.9
- Increase index fields limit for elastic (Issue id: 1333)
v. 3.4.8
- It is possible to delete a media item which is referenced on products, variants, categories or global list values (Issue id: 1332)
- Classifications are not removed when using "removeCategoriesWithSameOwnerReference" from API (Issue id: 1328)
v. 3.4.7
- DimensionUid is not set when creating attributes through API (Issue id: 1326)
v. 3.4.6
- Custom exports fails (Issue id: 1325)
v. 3.4.5
- Add support for selecting all in a folder in media picker (Issue id: 1306)
- Support searching medias in subfolders (Issue id: 1322)
- Extend ImportContext with media precache and import uid (Issue id: 1302)
- Search in media picker does not find items with a hyphen (Issue id: 1307)
- Move variant to other product don't recalc the attributes on Inherit attributes (Issue id: 1310)
- Missing stored procedure dbo.IndexOptimize (Issue id: 1305)
- Creation of new product structure fails when a variation definition is defined as part of product structure (Issue id: 1300)
- Can select media more than once on media attribute (Issue id: 1309)
- Updating complex attribute with new fixedlist sub attribute causes error (Issue id: 1319)
- Cannot use export template when "default field name" is used (Issue id: 1308)
- Link picker in RTE does not work when RTE is nested in list/complex attribute (Issue id: 1315)
- Source code editor does not appear in toolbar, rich text editor (Issue id: 1312)
v. 3.4.4
- Add GetUpdatedVariantIds to variantfacade (Issue id: 1295)
- Cannot set "Allow multiple values" on global list attribute value (Issue id: 1292)
- Indexing to SQL server fails, if more than 1024 columns exist for a product or variant (Issue id: 1293)
v. 3.4.3
- Add support for including unit in AttributeValue.Render (Issue id: 1287)
- PIM api client ReferencedAttribute on FixedListAttribute is null (Issue id: 1289)
- Unable to search boolean attributes using elastic search (Issue id: 1290)
- Getting 404 on GetInternalId when using spaces in identifier (Issue id: 1288)
v. 3.4.2
- Hide filter query when using in list filter when displaying global list values (Issue id: 1279)
- Publication internal license changed to use PIM connection (Issue id: 1286)
- Read only text attribute on list of complex wiped when saved (Issue id: 1276)
- Re-indexing tasks fails silently (Issue id: 1283)
- Change wording of "View global lists" permission (Issue id: 1247)
- Ensure attribute type cannot be changed if a default value is set for the attribute on a product structure (Issue id: 1214)
- List view columns are not available when creating a new global list (Issue id: 1143)
- Filtering global list values on Uid does not work for Elastic search implementation (Issue id: 1282)
- RegEx validation not enforced on numeric attributes (Issue id: 1281)
- Change of fixedlist attribute multi/not multi (Issue id: 1278)
- API client does not return id's of created products, even though they are part of the JSON response from the API (Issue id: 1277)
v. 3.4.1
- Elastic index creation fails, if prefix includes capital letters (Issue id: 1269)
- Add new global list value from table view (Issue id: 1266)
- global list attribute, table view. input loses focus on search (Issue id: 1268)
- Select "All" in search from global list table view doesnt respect search query (Issue id: 1262)
- Multi select media picker errors in global list when more than 1 item is selected (Issue id: 1261)
- Standard number of fields for elastic search too low (Issue id: 1267)
v. 3.4.0
GlobalListValuesDeletedEventArgs model has changed from DeletedGlobalListValue to DetailedGlobalListValue, containing the full AttributeValue (in the AttributeValue property) representing the global list value instead of the Uid property previously available. The Uid now resides on the AttributeValue object
- Add support for searching through Elastic instead of SQL (Issue id: 1147)
- Global list - Support partial value updates (Issue id: 1148)
- Add method to get children of multiple categories (Issue id: 1242)
- Bulk update not possible to start as background task (Issue id: 888)
- Include GET AssetIds endpoint in API (Issue id: 1248)
- Support item references in Publication data (Issue id: 1235)
- Add support for scaling in common formats (A2, A3, A4, A5, Letter) in Publications (Issue id: 1227)
- Support setting variation definition as part of create flow on products (Issue id: 1203)
- Support creating attribute scopes inline when creating attributes (Issue id: 1158)
- Support setting sortorder of new global list value as part of creation flow (Issue id: 1115)
- PIM-section as default section (Issue id: 1218)
- Add endpoint to get all product structures (Issue id: 1196)
- Search for number of variants under product in pim (Issue id: 1176)
- Cannot create distributions on sub attributes (Issue id: 1223)
- RegEx validation not enforced on text attributes (Issue id: 1153)
- Include all data on deleted resources in deleted events (BC) (Issue id: 1213)
v. 3.3.8
- Readonly fields on global list values are nulled when updating through interface (Issue id: 1255)
v. 3.3.7
- Creating product via API sets Primary Clasification on groups that is NOT part of master (Issue id: 1241)
- Search in pim select all also takes archived with even if they are not viewed. (Issue id: 1212)
- PIM fails to save decimal value on complex global list (Issue id: 1246)
- GetBasicCatalogue() by alias does sql lookup by uid (Issue id: 1245)
- GetItemIds() in IdentifierBroker should include EntityType in query to avoid mixed results (Issue id: 1250)
v. 3.3.6
- Optimize localize tag for XSLT-rendering in Publication (Issue id: 1232)
- Add support for disable escaping in localize tag for Publication (Issue id: 1225)
- Fix insert page selection for multipage in Publication (Issue id: 1228)
- Global list value attributes are not updated correctly on product and variant index (Issue id: 1231)
v. 3.3.5
- Possible null Reference in MapFromEditorModel (Issue id: 1220)
v. 3.3.4
- Fix for JavaScript error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'disconnect' of undefined" (Issue id: 1206)
- Minor HTML fixes (Issue id: 1217)
- Possible null Reference in MergeSegmentedOrLocalizedValues (Issue id: 1216)
v. 3.3.3
- Allow underscore char in attribute alias (Issue id: 1210)
- CORS is not possible through API (Issue id: 1211)
- Changing a list attribute resets the row template (Issue id: 1209)
- Search bulk actions leaks memory (Issue id: 1201)
- Handle special characters in localize tag for XSLT-rendering in Publications (Issue id: 1199)
v. 3.3.2
- ProductIndex not updated with category specific attributes (Issue id: 1189)
- Debug info is shown in UI of global list dialog containing a simple data model (Issue id: 1195)
- Generate variants creates new combinations that already exist (Issue id: 1191)
- Unable to create new variant if no Variant Definitions is created (Issue id: 1190)
- It is possible to add the same attribute more than once to a product structure, which is not allowed (Issue id: 1192)
- Cannot import new values to localized or segmented attributes, which already has a null value for the language or segment in question (Issue id: 1194)
- Cant save Globallist value with a list attribute with no data (Issue id: 1193)
v. 3.3.1
- API returns incorrect values for localized attributes (Issue id: 1187)
v. 3.3.0
Data-configuration models are moved from namespace Struct.PIM.Api.Models.ProductStructure to Struct.PIM.Api.Models.DataConfiguration affecting users of .NET API client
- Enable setting Readonly, Mandatory, Unchangeable on global list sub attributes (Issue id: 967)
- Only save properties that are actually changed through interface (Issue id: 1086)
- Add support for bulk updating Variation definition (Issue id: 1082)
- Add CRUD methods in API for user permissions (Issue id: 1141)
- Add Create and Update operations for catalogues in API (BC) (Issue id: 1122)
- Remove leftovers from AuditLog / DistributedEvents removal (BC) (Issue id: 1130)
- Support sorting attribute groups in backoffice UI (Issue id: 1139)
- Support importing and exporting variation definition on product (Issue id: 1173)
- Default values in list of complex - List template (Issue id: 966)
- Disable changelog on specific attributes (Issue id: 1105)
- Allow fetch archive reasons through api (Issue id: 1107)
- Link to create/edit global-list from add/edit property on product/variant-model (Issue id: 1057)
- Link to edit attribute from add/edit property on product/variant-model (Issue id: 1056)
- Make IPIMTask interface public (Issue id: 1044)
- Allow selecting mandatory, readonly and unchangeable sub attributes on complex attributes (Issue id: 758)
- IE11 JavaScript fixes (Issue id: 1184)
- Support table view in globallist multiselect attribute (Issue id: 857)
- Bad markup in header / footer setup in Publications (Issue id: 1181)
- Improve autogenerated swagger documentation (Issue id: 1123)
- Allow disabling changelog for specific product structures (Issue id: 1140)
- Users can save product structures with references to attributes that no longer exist (Issue id: 1135)
v. 3.2.10
- API returns incorrect values for localized attributes (Issue id: 1186)
v. 3.2.9
- Generate variants UI (Issue id: 1174)
- Allow fallback language to be used in attributevalue.Render method (Issue id: 1179)
- Possible undisposed transactionscope causes invalid transactionstate for subsequent requests (Issue id: 1183)
- Sorting variants under a product only work if the product is visible in the heriachy (Issue id: 1175)
- Adding access to Get categories in API also adds access to Get collections in API (Issue id: 1182)
- Text import fields are trimmed before insertion, but is not trimmed when used for serching existing items, causing dublicate product creations (Issue id: 1180)
- Unit on text attribute is not shown (Issue id: 1170)
v. 3.2.8
- Support getting datatype objects from path referencing sub attribute in ListAttribute- and FixedListAttribute (Issue id: 1168)
- Dashboard search result with two lines, the first line is cut (Issue id: 1161)
- If Struct PIM Url is null when saving General Setup, nullref error is thrown (Issue id: 1156)
- Search help does not describe how to search for date distances (Issue id: 1166)
- Default values not set for global list attribute on categories. (Issue id: 1163)
- Right click "Search products" gives option to Create Product - Fails (Issue id: 1162)
v. 3.2.7
- Excel exporter must always be chosen when exporting, even if it is the only option (Issue id: 1146)
- Cannot map the same field to multiple PIM fields in field mapping (Issue id: 1145)
- Indesign template not working (Issue id: 1144)
- Cannot set change boolean value from "null" to "false" from UI or API (Issue id: 1142)
- Same column can be added multiple times to pim search table (Issue id: 1116)
v. 3.2.6
- Searching products in a specific category shows wrong products if the id of the category is part of another category's id (Issue id: 1134)
v. 3.2.5
- PIM throws Nullreference exception if a segmented value has null as value in a segment (Issue id: 1132)
- Cannot update existing saved searches or create new ones from saved searches overview (Issue id: 1133)
v. 3.2.4
- Update Struct.PIM.Api Nuget transformation for missing config elements (Issue id: 1117)
- Remove Umbraco 7 dependencies from package.manifest (Issue id: 1119)
- PIMTransaction.Current should be public (Issue id: 1128)
- Prevent circular dependencies on global lists (Issue id: 1126)
- Drag and drop in dashboard does not work in Safari (Issue id: 1131)
- Cannot paste clipboard item on dashboard (Issue id: 1129)
- Treenode not always unfolding when click button in breadcrumb (Issue id: 1106)
- Changes made to filter objects in SQL searcher are persisted to dashboard measuring points (Issue id: 1127)
- Cannot rollback to empty value in field (Issue id: 1125)
- Webhook events disappear from dashboard when changing active tab (Issue id: 1124)
- PIM dropdowns with default bootstrap syntax does not work with Commerce installed (Issue id: 1118)
- RenameAndRefactorDashboardSettingsTable migration fails if umbraco and pim is in two different databases (Issue id: 1112)
- Updating variant ProductId from API always creates new revision (Issue id: 1114)
- Updating product primary category from API always creates new revision (Issue id: 1113)
- Cannot delete empty global list (Issue id: 1121)
v. 3.2.3
- Cannot attach to .NET PIM events in Cloud API (Issue id: 1110)
- Throw error on dashboard, if no valid license is present (Issue id: 1111)
- variants view in "Unclassified products" shows to many variants (Issue id: 1108)
- Fix constraints for CategoryIdentifier in CreateIdentifierTables migration task (Issue id: 1109)
- Bad path in single page publications API end point (Issue id: 1099)
v. 3.2.2
- Cannot import media assets to variants (Issue id: 1104)
- Defining attributes not relevant to variant are shown in creation flow if marked as mandatory (Issue id: 1103)
- Globallist values are not rendered correctly in table view of list attribute (Issue id: 1102)
- Cannot create variant search measuring point from dashboard (Issue id: 1101)
- Cannot remove conditional color on search result widget (Issue id: 1100)
- Cannot select fields in bulk update (Issue id: 1098)
- Sorting is not possible on search (Issue id: 1097)
v. 3.2.1
- Support Umbraco versions > 8.7.0 (Issue id: 1094)
- CreateFolder in MediaAdapter calculates wrong hash (Issue id: 1093)
v. 3.2.0
Custom implementations of TabSetup, SectionSetup, PropertySetup and WizardStepSetup must now implement a MapFromApiModel method
- Import- and ExportFieldDescriptors needs to have Preload() implemented
- SupportedField constructor now requires entity type and the passed uid must be without entity prefix (filemappings will break if not updated)
- AttributeFieldHelper has signature changes and some methods have been moved into FieldHelper
IWebhookEnabledEvent have been updated with new methods needed to be implemented in order to support advanced setup of webhook enabled events
IWebhookEnabledEvent have been updated with new methods needed to be implemented in order to support advanced setup of webhook enabled events
GetGlobalListValues renamed to GetGlobalListValue()
- TabEditorModel now requires HtmlFilePath to define path of HTML file to use for rendering Tab
- SectionEditorModel now requires HtmlFilePath to define path of HTML file to use for rendering Tab
- PropertyEditorModel now requires HtmlFilePath to define path of HTML file to use for rendering Tab
Permission required to be specified on custom actions
- Enable producstructure CRUD in PIM API (BC) (Issue id: 832)
- Support custom directive location for custom Sections, Tabs and Properties (BC) (Issue id: 1038)
- Support custom permissions on custom actions (BC) (Issue id: 1068)
- Include the raw string value in ImportUpdatedFieldValue when importing (Issue id: 1092)
- Support personal dashboards in backoffice (Issue id: 267)
- Support drag and drop dashboard setup (Issue id: 909)
- Make collection interaction possible through API (Issue id: 1091)
- Customize multipage catalogue before generation (Issue id: 1070)
- Support for template based Header / Footer in Catalogue (Issue id: 1071)
- Support revision change rollback from PIM UI (Issue id: 910)
- Support large List attributes in UI (Issue id: 925)
- Support batch on Api endpoint Catalogues.GetCategories (Issue id: 1034)
- Support limiting number of characters in text field (Issue id: 1004)
- Support moving variants through API (Issue id: 1001)
- Support actual size in resulting PDF vs Preview in Publications (Issue id: 934)
- Support Razor engine for Publication templates (Issue id: 914)
- Optimise product- and variantexport (BC) (Issue id: 1014)
- Add support for conditional triggering of webhooks (BC) (Issue id: 803)
- Add support for including change information in webhook events (BC) (Issue id: 804)
- Add T4Template for generating classes from API for products, variants, categories and global list values (Issue id: 619)
- Suport showing number of characters in text fields (Issue id: 976)
- The Global lists index should automatically be rebuild when new languages are created (Issue id: 929)
- Scroll to top on tab switch (Issue id: 884)
- Show where attribute is used on product and variant configs (Issue id: 887)
- Add MediaEndpoint to API and API.Client (Issue id: 955)
- Deleting referenced global list shows SQL error message to the user (Issue id: 978)
- Support sorting of variants (Issue id: 994)
- Enable creation of attributes in pim API (Issue id: 831)
- Add support for unfolding position in catalogue from product page (Issue id: 954)
- GetGlobalListValue method is wrongly spelled as GetGlobalListValues in API client (BC) (Issue id: 1006)
- Collapse button not workingon webhook (Issue id: 1058)
- Error fetching category ids by variant ids (Issue id: 1067)
- Existing identifiers are not cleared if identifier renders as an empty string (Issue id: 1045)
- PIM event changesets contains attribute changes if a value was changed to empty attributevalue (Issue id: 1037)
- API endpoint GetProductAttributeValues throws exception when valuesInclude parameter is set (Issue id: 999)
- Missing generalSettings_supplierPortalSetupSaved translation (Issue id: 1003)
- CatalogueFacade.Instance.GetCategoryIdentifiers throws error on migrated DB's (Issue id: 1009)
- GlobalListValuesDeleted event not fired. (Issue id: 998)
- Categories on products in index is not updated when moving a category (Issue id: 943)
- Baggrundsfarve i translationview (Issue id: 683)
- Accordion fold in/out is not fluent (Issue id: 697)
- Product model overblik (Issue id: 686)
- Gennemgå UI til security (Issue id: 690)
- License check can result in infinite loop (Issue id: 970)
v. 3.1.14
- MediaAdapter cannot get file by url on cloudflare (Issue id: 1157)
v. 3.1.13
- GET /categories/productattributes is not wrapped in .NET Api client (Issue id: 1084)
v. 3.1.12
- Distributed transaction sometimes required when creating variants through api (Issue id: 1080)
- Dublicate folders can be created when using mediacontroller CreateFolder (Issue id: 1079)
- Cannot move variant to product in top level category (Issue id: 1078)
v. 3.1.11
- Throw javascript reload event when saving proudct/variant/category (Issue id: 1075)
- Error when sorting attributes on at product catalouge (Issue id: 1065)
- Webhook events are fired before transaction is completed (Issue id: 1077)
- Cannot move variant to another product when not seeing the variant page while performing move action (Issue id: 1072)
- Potential deadlock when sending webhook requests (Issue id: 1076)
v. 3.1.10
- Remove comma as seperator when importing multiple media items (Issue id: 1055)
- Read only attribute values are stored in database from UI (Issue id: 1061)
v. 3.1.9
- Deleting an attribute with high amounts of values results in server timeout (Issue id: 1049)
- Product classifications are not updated in index, when categories are moved or deleted (Issue id: 1053)
- Variants are not filtered when selecting category (Issue id: 945)
- SQL server search index is out of sync after updating different attributes on different products (Issue id: 1052)
- Merge of products fails, if variant model has same attribute added more than once (Issue id: 1051)
- Upgrading Umbraco to version with Angular 1.8.0, causes rendering errors of some directives (Issue id: 1050)
v. 3.1.8
- Hide columns with no errors on product import erroronly view (Issue id: 1035)
- Change Nuget dependencies to support all v8 versions (Issue id: 1042)
- Add correct extension to file if it is not known (Issue id: 1041)
- Empty backoffice rendering for global list values (Issue id: 1031)
- GetSubAttributeFromPath in client attribute model returns wrong subattribute for fixedlist attribute (Issue id: 1040)
- BooleanAttribute returns as AttributeReferenceAttribute in API (Issue id: 1036)
v. 3.1.7
- Searching sometimes throws error saying fields are missing in index (Issue id: 1030)
v. 3.1.6
- Updating attribute can be slow if number of attribute values for that attribute is very high (Issue id: 1028)
- Display image name in media picker (Issue id: 1022)
- Number of decimals on number attribute not considered in backoffice input fields (Issue id: 1021)
- Building product indentifiers remove the other identifiers ending with the last structure identifier (Issue id: 1026)
- Category deletion through UI does not trigger event (Issue id: 1027)
- UI allows making global lists dimension specific even though it is not supported (Issue id: 1025)
- Display name is not saved on sub attributes when creating complex attribute (Issue id: 1024)
- Importing global list with media attribute fails, if media column is empty (Issue id: 1023)
v. 3.1.5
- Reuse attributes for loading attribute values for new items in import (Issue id: 1016)
- Optimize mapping key columns in import (Issue id: 1015)
- Wrong results are returned when searching multival fields (Issue id: 1018)
v. 3.1.4
- GlobalLists/{uid}/values Does not use limit (Issue id: 1005)
v. 3.1.3
- Enable clicking on global list value reference, to go to referenced item (Issue id: 947)
- Inherited attributes does not display any note, if inherited value is overridden (Issue id: 872)
- Causing delete event inside a transation causes an unimplemented method to be called (Issue id: 944)
- Merge products "popout" has empty producttype dropdown (Issue id: 961)
- VariantService fails if there is no primaryproductcategory on the product (Issue id: 937)
- Variant identifiers are not created correctly, when creating new variants (Issue id: 957)
v. 3.1.2
- Import throws generic error, if an attribute reference is imported, but the referenced attribute does not exist (Issue id: 922)
- Missing endpoint to fetch a single global list value (Issue id: 921)
- Exceptions in API are not returned to client (Issue id: 918)
- API error when using Catalogues.GetInternalIdMap due to Invalid column name 'IdentifierAlias' (Issue id: 915)
- API XML documentation for Swagger is not included when API is deployed, causing Swagger to be inaccessible (Issue id: 920)
v. 3.1.1
- Custom DataFieldDescriptor added for Publications (Issue id: 907)
- Add attribute scopes to publication data (Issue id: 883)
- Add backoffice translations for en-US in Publications (Issue id: 900)
- Improve API error message when creating a product with a none matching property/attribute (Issue id: 892)
- Show where attribute is used on productstructures and catalogues, as part of error message (Issue id: 886)
- Missing generic methods in client for API in variant and category (Issue id: 889)
- Api endpoint Catalogues.GetProductsInCategories() fails (Issue id: 912)
- Swagger UI does not have fixed width when fetching data, causing a very long horizontal scrollbar (Issue id: 908)
- Cannot change image in Publication header / footer (Issue id: 911)
- Languages set up during creation of data supplier is not saved (Issue id: 906)
- PIM Api logo is missing in Swagger (Issue id: 904)
- Unhandled exceptions are not logged in API (Issue id: 903)
- Unable to remove identifiers on groups (Issue id: 880)
- GlobalList value updates are not propagated to other global list value indexes (Issue id: 902)
- Changing type of an existing dashboard item fails (Issue id: 901)
- When creating new global list value in Update Items Sequentially view, the new value is not automatically added to the attribute (Issue id: 894)
- Struct.PIM.Api.Client restore failes due to dependency on different NewtonSoft.Json versions (Issue id: 891)
- Searching for empty value in number field fails (Issue id: 893)
- Category attributes are not available through bulk update (PIM thinks user does not have access) (Issue id: 882)
v. 3.1.0
- Add support for fetching publications through PIM Api Client v3 (Issue id: 794)
- Style swagger UI to match Struct design template (Issue id: 876)
- Show how many items are changed in bulk update report (Issue id: 626)
- Support bulk updating single segment of attribute (Issue id: 840)
- Support advanced bulk update operations (add, subtract, replace) (Issue id: 841)
- Add searching within categories (Issue id: 802)
- Ensure ReadOnly and Unchangeable attributes cannot be set in bulk update (Issue id: 757)
- Segment/language overflows on inputs in Update Items Sequentially (Issue id: 629)
- Complex attribute values are not merged when saving (Issue id: 777)
- Install script adds legacy CurrentRevision column to global list value table (Issue id: 822)
v. 3.0.8
- Adjust default publication templates (Issue id: 877)
- Optimize fixed list mapping in publication data (Issue id: 875)
- Missing template wrapper in publications (Issue id: 874)
- Invalid mapping of variant data in publications (Issue id: 873)
v. 3.0.7
- Provide better error descriptions from API (Issue id: 864)
- If image ids are exported, they cannot be mapped during import (Issue id: 853)
- Partner portal does not comply with the field rights settings (Issue id: 869)
- Publication page orientation fixes from v2 (Issue id: 865)
- Custom actions not displayed (Issue id: 871)
- Media attribute allways marked as changed when empty in import (Issue id: 867)
- PIM api get internalId by identifier can't handle special signs (Issue id: 866)
- Media data fails, if a segment is added with null value through API (Issue id: 862)
v. 3.0.6
- Globallist value with number don't use the culture seperator (Issue id: 797)
- Cannot search global lists. (Issue id: 824)
- PIM api get internalId by identifier can't handle dot (Issue id: 856)
- Wrong uid when creating global list from api (Issue id: 823)
- FixedList number attribute at root throws exception when being cast (Issue id: 855)
v. 3.0.5
- Input validation is sparse in product structure setup (Issue id: 848)
- Rebuilding PIM references fails, if multiple items Localized media attribute has same value in multiple languages (Issue id: 847)
- Displayed PIM version under license information shows wrong build number (Issue id: 845)
- Setting referenced global list values' uids on global list value reference attribute through API fails (Issue id: 844)
- Product/variant Indexing fails, if more than 1024 columns are added (Issue id: 843)
- Cannot create product, if selected product structure has variants, but no variation definition exists (Issue id: 839)
- Import sets null element in MediaData if upload of media fails (Issue id: 842)
v. 3.0.4
- Enable searching in languages and segments in top bar (Issue id: 814)
- When Creating values in global list from API relatet global list value is set wrong (Issue id: 815)
- When importing multiple items through API with different global list value references, all items get a reference to the same global list value (Issue id: 816)
- Selecting the same media item multiple times on same product causes error (Issue id: 810)
- Cannot toggle Multiselect on media attribute in UI (Issue id: 809)
v. 3.0.2
- Catalogue MediaAdapter is internal (Issue id: 791)
- Fix naming of Publication API endpoints (Issue id: 792)
v. 3.0.1
- Adjust Publication migration for PIM v3 (Issue id: 790)
- .NET452 dll's are included for publications instead of .NET472 (Issue id: 789)
v. 3.0.0
ISystemDataFactory have been removed in favor of 3 new interfaces, one for each of:
- data area
- sub data
- area
Simply split up your interface into multiple classes, and implement the new interface with the same logic as you have now.
- Remove External Ref (Issue id: 381)
- Support segmenting attribute data (Issue id: 254)
- Upgrade to support Umbraco V8 (Issue id: 377)
- Support unique identifiers in PIM items based on attribute compositions (Issue id: 320)
- Reorganize web api (Issue id: 361)
- Add new "List" attribute to replace complex multirow attribute (Issue id: 359)
- Make attribute affiliations dynamic and decouple it from the way attributes are attached to products (Issue id: 360)
- Export and import of attribute names (Issue id: 498)
- Remove Range, Area, Volume, Content and Calculation attributes (Issue id: 358)
- Media attribute should use list of strings as underlying data structure (Issue id: 382)
- Update UI of product configuration management (Issue id: 353)
- Rework product configuration UI (Issue id: 440)
- (BC) Split interface for extending StructPIM with external DataItems, SystemDataAreas and SystemSubDataAreas into three separate interfaces (Issue id: 362)